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来源:哔哩哔哩     时间:2023-03-31 09:03:12

You can tag your Addressable assets with one or more labels in the Groups window. Labels have a few uses in the Addressables system, including:



You can use one or more labels as keys to identify which assets to load at runtime.译:您可以使用一个或多个标签作为键来标识需要在运行时加载的资产。

You can pack assets in a group into AssetBundles based on their assigned labels.译:您可以根据其分配的标签将资产打包到一个组中的AssetBundles中。

You can use labels in the filter box of the Groups window to help find labeled assets译:您可以在Groups窗口的筛选框中使用标签来帮助查找带有标签的资产。

When you load assets using a list of labels, you can specify whether you want to load all assets having any label in the list or only assets that have every label in the list. For example, if you used the labels, "characters" and "animals" to load assets, you could choose to load the union of those two sets of assets, which includes all characters and all animals, or the intersection of those two sets, which includes only characters that are animals. See Loading multiple assets for more information.


When you choose to pack assets in a group based on their assigned labels (using the group Bundle Mode setting), the Addressables build script creates a bundle for each unique combination of labels in the group. For example, if you have assets in a group that you have labeled as either "cat" or "dog" and either "small" or "large", the build produces four bundles: one for small cats, one for small dogs, one for large cats, and another for large dogs.

译:当您选择根据其分配的标签(使用组Bundle Mode设置)将资产打包到组中时,Addressables构建脚本会为组中每个唯一标签组合创建一个bundle。例如,如果您在组中有标记为“cat”或“dog”以及“small”或“large”的资产,则构建将产生四个bundle:一个用于小猫,一个用于小狗,一个用于大猫,另一个用于大狗。

Managing labels

Create and delete labels on the Labels window. Open the Labelswindow from the Toolsmenu on the Groupswindow toolbar.


To create a new label, click the +button at the bottom of the list. Enter the new name and click Save.


To delete a label, select it in the list and then click the -button. Deleting a label also removes it from all assets.



Until you run an Addressables build, you can undo the deletion of a label by adding it back to the Labels dialog (using the exact same string). This also adds the label back to its original assets. After you run an Addressables build, however, re-adding a deleted label no longer reapplies it to any assets.




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